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Seedy October 2023

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Another year is mostly over, spring is well and truly here and Seedy is already getting into the Xmas “spirit”.

With the Varroa mite now encroaching into the Sydney Basin growers need to be aware of the issue and make sure any hives on their properties are monitored correctly. There is work  being done now on options. Several programs are studying alternative pollinators and one potential zucchini variety in early trials that does not require pollination. Further information will be available once the results are known.  Seedy believes it is now a matter of time until we move to a management phase rather than the current eradication phase. But that is up to the Dept… in the meantime growers need to follow best practice.

As promised last Argus more images from Seedy’s European trip. Including an interesting plant tray system that does not require nursery stands, they can be just placed directly on the ground.

Several historic gardens were visited, gardeners conversed with an amazing amount of man hours go into the displays continually.

More than 25 flower breeding company displays were visited and the effort that goes into the breeding of the latest generation of ornamental was a delight to see at there best.

It was not just flowers some breeders also had interesting vegetables on display. More to follow next time. 


Our aim is to help growers succeed in their industry, no matter the size.